Legacy Orders
On March 1st, 2021 we migrated Hoban Cards to a new order management system. Some old order data may be incomplete.
Order Data
Orders made before March 1st, 2021 will show up on your account page, but some of the order details, like your shipping information and PDF proofs, may be missing. We have access to all previous order data, so please contact us if you have any questions.
A Note About Order Types
Over the years, we've been involved in two types of orders. Your order(s) may fall into one or both of these categories and the differences may explain why you are missing orders.
Hoban Cards Orders
Hoban Cards orders are orders that were made directly through the hobancards.com website. These are standard "add to cart" orders where you selected a template, added it to your cart and checked out and paid directly on the website. These orders will all show up on your account page.
Custom Orders
Custom orders are orders that fell outside of the products offered on hobancards.com. Most likely, we worked with you through email to customize your order and we invoiced you directly by email. These orders will not show up on your account page, but we keep record of these on an internal system. If you're wondering why some of your past orders don't show up on your account page, this may be why.
Notice to Past Customers Who Can't Access Their Account
User accounts were successfully copied over to our new system, but because we don't have access to your passwords (for good reason), accounts must be reactivated and new passwords must be established by you in order to login to the new website. If you're trying to login, but our system can't recognize you, you may need to request we activate your account. Once we do this, the system will email you a link for you to establish a new password. You will then be able to login and see your past order history. Request an Account Activation.
Questions? Get in Touch.