
Thoughts & Curiosities

Profile: Denise Kiernan and Joseph D'Agnese

Denise Kiernan and Joseph D’Angnese are an amazing couple from North Carolina who have both supported Hoban Cards for a long time. Since they are a New York Times’ bestselling author and an award-winning author respectively, it was incredibly fun chatting with them about the way their relationship influences their writing. Read until the end to see a little story that was pitched centered around Hoban Press!

Profile: Hilary McCandless-Beard

Hilary McCandless-Beard lives in Colorado Springs and creates stunning minimal ceramic tableware. Her work immediately caught my eye when we created some calling cards for her a couple years ago.

Profile: Sarah McCarry

Sarah McCarry is a writer who's released three novels. She's written for The New York Times Book Review, Glamour, and, among others. She also works on her own publication called Guillotine – an erratically published chapbook series.

Profile: Adam Mason

Adam Mason travels the world as a wedding and event photographer, capturing moments for happy couples, people he meets on the road, and big names like Tesla and Facebook alike. Adam is also a past client of ours, and today we’re talking to him about working as a freelance photographer, letterpress printing, and podcasting.

Profile: The Dogist

If you're a dog lover, you might already be a fan of Elias Weiss Friedman, better known as, The Dogist. Working primarily in New York City, he documents the varied and spectacular dogs who live there. His portraits are taken at dog's eye view and have captured the faces of thousands of dogs over the past few years.